Woolworths MVNO ditches Optus, takes up Telstra; Consumer ?summer? complaints to telcos increase; The rise and rise of the Telstra brand; Australian organisations not prepared for change, says Optus; Nokia takes on the Rock.

29th May 2015

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Government to shake up spectrum according to report; Details of the government spectrum review; NBN shows steady growth - but needs to ramp up says CEO; Optus grows cloud offerings with Microsoft; NewSat crashes back down to earth in US bankruptcy court; Woolworths MVNO ditches Optus, takes up Telstra; Consumer ?summer? complaints to telcos increase; The rise and rise of the Telstra brand; Ericsson deploys 5G pilot to improve Swedish mines; Nokia takes on the Rock to boost multivendor SON radio optimisation; Australian organisations not prepared for change, says Optus; Telecoms services will double to $42 billion by 2031: Infrastructure Australia; Long-term punt with Racing Victoria for Telstra; Huawei flexes muscles in Malaysia; ?Sniffing? and tracking wearable tech, smartphones a privacy concern; Government spends up big on ICT, with more to come

29th May 2015

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NBN shows steady growth - but more needed; Optus grows cloud offerings; NewSat crashes to earth in US bankruptcy court; Triple treat as IP traffic heads up and up; Ericsson deploys 5G pilot to improve Swedish mines

28th May 2015

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OTT a ?game changer? for TV industry as consumers devour online videos; SoleNet breaches TCP code with customer transfers; Netcomm goes after bigger share of business in M2M market; Nuage combats Cisco and VMware with ?nu age? of SDN open ecosystem; Aussie wearables market will be worth $1 billion by 2018; Google?s IoT OS - Brillo?s the name, IoT?s the game.

27th May 2015

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Telecoms services will double to $42 billion by 2031: Infrastructure Australia; Long-term punt with Racing Victoria for Telstra; Huawei launches new generation Agile Campus solutions; Work-life balance turned on its head in NBN?s ?super-connected? Australia; Internet Society rebrands; New centre drives government data centre consolidation.

26th May 2015

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Government releases spectrum report; Recommendations of the Spectrum Review; Huawei flexes muscles in Malaysia; Inmarsat, Honeywell, Kymeta team up on business aviation comms initiative; ?Sniffing? and tracking wearable tech, smartphones a privacy concern; Government spends up big on ICT, with more to come.

25th May 2015

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Huawei launches Agile Internet of Things architecture with LIteOS; Pay TV providers embrace OTT video and ?skinny? bundles to stave off cord-cutting ; Dallas Buyers Club to sue other ISP customers, takes action in Singapore; Optus, xMatters seal strategic partnership; International cybersecurity coordination is ?poor?; The smart way to pay is by phone for many consumers.

22nd May 2015

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COVER STORY: TELSTRA REVEALS PACNET SECURITY BREACH Mystery hackers attack Pacnet: Telstra reveals all Free legal advice from iiNet and $10 fines expected for Dallas downloaders Dallas Buyers Club to sue other ISP customers, takes action in Singapore Huawei launches Agile Internet of Things architecture with LIteOS Telcos noticeably absent from desirable Australian employers list Internet TV, consumer choice to drive fourfold increase in use of OTT services Dramatic rise in mobile data traffic ahead Vodafone mobile-only strategy puts it at ?disadvantage?: analyst Pay TV providers embrace OTT video to stave off cord-cutting Amcom adjourns shareholder meeting and gives startups a boost Spark to NZ broadband regulator: ?front up and be counted' Singtel joins SHARE buy-back club Russian launch failure to slow Inmarsat GX deployment Macquarie paves way for Aussie firms to meet govt cloud security standards Optus and xMatters seal strategic partnership Fujitsu iris-scanning Android smartphone is an eyeful No rest as Presto goes West in content expansion ChatSim chats up free chat without limits or Wi-Fi Ruckus Hotspot 2.0 Redefines burgeoning Public WiFi with Release 2 OUT OF LEFT FIELD: A future history of Australian telecoms, 2015-25

22nd May 2015

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Mystery hackers attack Pacnet network; Vodafone ?mobile-only? strategy puts it at ?formidable disadvantage? to rivals; ?Front up? and be counted says Spark to NZ broadband regulator; Equinix delivers Azure access through Melbourne data centre; ChatSim chats up free chat without limits or Wi-Fi; Apple Watch security holes plugged by Watch OS 1.0.1.

21st May 2015

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Free legal advice from iiNet and $10 fines expected for Dallas downloaders; Dramatic rise in mobile data traffic ahead; Amcom adjourns shareholder scheme meeting; Amcom gives WA startups a boost with $320k seed capital; Ruckus Hotspot 2.0 heats up Public WiFi with Release 2; Nokia boxes up LTE network - into a box.

20th May 2015

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